SERIES I  -   ENGINEERING SCIENCES, ISSN 2065-2119 (Print), ISSN 2065-2127 (CD-ROM)  

·Industrial Engineering

Bārsan, L., Bārsan, A.: The Environmental Impact of a Product ........................................................................... 69

Bozan, C.A., Moldovean, Gh., Velicu, R.: Structural Synthesis on Speed Multipliers with Fixed Axle Gear Used in Wind

          Turbine ...................................................................................................................................................


Burduhos, B., Diaconescu, D.V., Săulescu, R.: Comparison between Single-Axis PV Trackers of Pseudo-Equatorial

          and Azimuthal Type..................................................................................................................................

Butuc, B., Moldovean, Gh.: Gears Based Azimuthally Tracking Systems for Photovoltaic Platforms .......................... 87
Clinciu, M.R.: Estimating the Statistical Parameters for Experimental Data............................................................. 93
Clinciu, R.: Analysis of the Metrological Reliability - A Study on Experimental Data.................................................. 97
Coste, L., Eftimie, E.: Solar and Wind Power Determination for Braşov City Area .................................................... 101
Dascălu, M., Talabă, D., Gīrbacia, F.S., Stavăr, A.: Cognitive Approach of Human-Machine Communication............... 107
Diaconescu, D.V., Vătăşescu, M.M.: Two New Pairs of Local Solar Angles and Their Corresponding Tracking Systems . 113
Dinicu, V., Vişa, I., Diaconescu, D.V.: Efficiency Improvement of an Azimuthally Tracked PV Panel ........................... 121
Duguleană, M., Mogan, Gh.: Aspects Concerning a Mobile Robot Cognitive System.................................................. 129
Eftimie, E.: A Programme for the 3D Representation and Animation of Objects and Surfaces ................................... 135
Huidan, L.: Selection of the Project Manager ....................................................................................................... 143
Neagoe, M., Jaliu, C.: On the Conceptual Design of Technical Products: A Case Study.............................................. 147

Popa, S., Moldovean, Gh.: Loads in the Completely Engaged Operation for Safety Clutches with Balls and Spherical

          Active Rabbets Radially Disposed ..............................................................................................................

Stavăr, A., Talabă, D., Dascălu, M.: State of the Art in Haptic Input Systems for Biomedical Applications .................. 163
Velicu, R.: On the Performance of a Two-Planetary Group Gearbox........................................................................ 169
Vişa, I., Hermenean, I.S.: On the Equatorial Type Systems Used in CPV Tracking ................................................... 175
Vişa, L., Popescu, I.: Quality Principles and Dimensions ...................................................................................... 183