SERIES I  -   ENGINEERING SCIENCES, ISSN 2065-2119 (Print), ISSN 2065-2127 (CD-ROM)  

·Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Automatics

Calangiu, G., Şişak, F.: The Status of Research in Robotics and Robotic Vision Systems .......................................... 305

Carp, M.C., Sojerf, D., Borza, P.N., Toacşe, Gh., Puşcaş, A.M.: Improving the Energy Management for

          LDH-1250HP  Locomotive Using Embedded Systems ...................................................................................


Curpen, D.M., Székely, I.: Parameter Considerations on Digital Telecommunication Network Circuits Regarding Echo,

          Stability and Local Effects..........................................................................................................................

Demeter, R., Sárkány, I.: ZigBee Wireless Devices Sharing Over IP Network .......................................................... 323
Floroian, D., Moldoveanu, F.: Using Multiagent Systems for Shop Floor .................................................................. 327
Forcoş, A., Marinescu, C.: A Hybrid Wind-Hydro System ...................................................................................... 335
Fratu, A., Renaux, D., Fratu, M.: Simulation and Control of the Parallel Robots’ Dynamics ....................................... 343
Jipa, R., Tulbure, T.: Gals Designs Implementation on “Structured ASIC” Platforms ................................................ 351

Motoaşcă, S., Nicolaide, A., Helerea, E., Motoaşcă, T.E.: New Analytical Method for Hysteresis Modelling Using

           LabVIEW ................................................................................................................................................

Müller, C., Székely, I.: Ethernet Based Communication for Safety Related Underground Applications ....................... 361
Nedelcu, A.V., Székely, I.: State of the Art - Analysis of RFID-Based Networks and Technologies ............................. 369
Puiu, D., Moldoveanu, F.: Intelligent Servo Drives and Fieldbusses Communication for Multi-Axis Motion Control ...... 377

Puşcaş, A.M., Coquery, G., Borza, P.N., Székely, I., Carp, M.C: State of the Art in Mobile Systems’ Energy

          Management and Embedded Solutions for Improving the Energy Efficiency ...................................................


Sárkány, I., Mărgineanu, I.: Using Geometrical Image Modification for Displaying Images Captured From

          Spherical Surfaces on Computer Screens....................................................................................................

Stoianovici, V., Popescu, V., Murroni, M.: A Survey on Spectrum Sensing Techniques for Cognitive Radio ............... 395
Suciu, A., Papuc, S.V.: Evolution of H264 Standard. Implementation Strategies on Parallel Architectures .............. 403
Suliman, C., Moldoveanu, F.: Video Image Processing for Mobile Robot Indoor Navigation ..................................... 407
Tulbure, T., Jipa, R.: Post Layout Optimization Methods for Structured ASIC ........................................ 413